Meet Kathy

Photo of Kathy Harmon-Luber by Susan Cowper

Photo by Susan Cowper

Author | Healing Journey Navigator | Reiki Master & Sound Therapy Practitioner

Kathy is an inspiring, compassionate, and empowering author and wellness guide whose passion is helping people navigate the challenging terrain of the healing journey. With insight and enthusiasm, she opens people’s eyes to the potential of becoming more physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy by offering a toolkit of practical solutions. Her book, “Suffering to Thriving: Your Toolkit for Navigating Your Healing Journey ~ How to Live a More Healthy, Peaceful, Joyful Life,” is full of wisdom gleaned from decades of healing from health crises.

Kathy went from suffering to thriving, reversing the progression of asthma, chronic bronchitis, and autoimmune disorders, and recovered (without surgery) from several debilitating, inoperable spinal diseases and disc ruptures which left her bed-ridden for five years. Kathy’s passion is helping others find their compass and chart a course for navigating illness, injury, and loss – learning how to not only cope, but to become more resilient, joyful, and thriving.

Kathy Harmon-Luber plays drum outside in a peaceful setting.

Photo by Lynne Eodice

She has dedicated her life to her spiritual path, and learning the healing arts and mystical wisdom of many world cultures. She is a holistic energy healer: Reiki Master; Crystal energy healer (certified, International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine); Sound Therapy & Sound Healing practitioner (certified, Complementary Therapists Accredited Association); and shamanic practitioner. Kathy walks the path of an ancient lineage of women frame drummers.

Photo of Kathy Harmon-Luber playing the flute

An award-winning artist, photographer, and poet, Kathy’s fine art photography can be found at her online gallery at, her shop at, and on Facebook at

Kathy’s compelling writing and marketing prowess have helped nonprofit organizations advocating the arts, education, and environment, as well as helping foster children and youth, helping homeless youth get off the streets, and empowering people with developmental disabilities.

She’s an articulate spokesperson, having appeared on CNN, in The New York Times, LA Times, The Washington Post, and more. She has taught at professional conferences, university, high school, and middle school levels. She earned her Graduate degree in Publishing from The George Washington University and BS in Marine Biology from University of NC, Wilmington.